Welcome to StatMind!
We support your statistical research


StatMind started as a spin-off of our involvement in complex research projects - including doctoral research projects. 

We have our own research agenda, in the fields of: 

  • Internationalization, 
  • Innovation & industry policies, and (national) competitiveness, and 
  • High-performance organizations.

In the process we have built - and are building - a library of off-the-shelf modules on basic and advanced statistical and data science techniques that enable both novices and experienced users to get a head start. 


We have helped many research institutions, researchers and doctoral students in designing their research, and the collection, preparation and analysis of data.

We have successfully applied data science techniques to providers of micro-finance, leading to subtantial cost reductions and, hence, affordable interest rates for micro-finance beneficiaries. 

We have built improved models and data collection instruments on high-performance organizations, making use of insights from Item-Response Theory.

Universities and  business/management schools, and their students, benefit from our courses on research design and statistics. The aim of our courses is to enable researchers to learn complex techniques in an intuitive (learn-to-learn) way, with a focus on understanding, and responsible and independent use. 

Products & Services

  • Enriched data on international economics (including detailed international trade indicators)
  • Statistical advice: research design, data preparation and data analysis
  • Development of courses in statistics and data science.
